世界银行《PPP合同条款指南》(Guidance on PPP Contractual Provisions 2017,下称“合同指南”),是世界银行对PPP合同的官方指引,2017年版指南对特定国家不同层级的PPP交易和不同法律制度下的PPP交易经验的表述方面进行了改进,并针对债券融资PPP合同和企业融资PPP合同增加专门章节。
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There are a number of factors to take into account for any Contracting Authority negotiating change in law provisions:
Understanding market practice;
Defining what qualifies as "Change in Law";
Different risk allocation approaches;
Relief and Compensation
Applicable Law - The Contracting Authority and its legal advisers will need to carefully consider the definition of "Applicable Law" and how it ties in with other definitions in which it is incorporated (in particular the definition of "Change in Law"). The definition will depend on the relevant country as the way laws are implemented varies across jurisdictions. The key principle is that it should be limited to obligations with which the Private Partner must legally comply.
Qualifying Date - The Private Partner is expected to have conducted thorough due diligence of the legal framework in determining its pricing and ability to perform its obligations under the PPP Contract. Accordingly, change in law should only include changes which were not "in the public domain" during the period when the pricing was developed and then submitted. This date is key and will usually be no later than the bid submission date. In the absence of a bidding process, an appropriate date will similarly need to be identified (and may be the date final pricing is submitted or the date of contract signature). As pricing is not developed overnight, it is customary in some jurisdictions for this date to be set at six weeks prior to submission of pricing so as to permit pricing to be determined on a clear basis.
Different risk allocation approaches 不同的风险分配方式 :
There are several approaches to allocating change in law risk but the ability for a Contracting Authority to share change in law risk with the Private Partner will depend on the risk of legislative or regulatory volatility in the jurisdiction and sector concerned, as well as the maturity of the market. The extent to which any resulting increased costs can be passed on to third party users will also be relevant.
Approach (a): All risk borne by the Contracting Authority - In some markets the Contracting Authority typically bears all the risk of change in law and provides full relief to the Private Partner. This may be the only way that private finance can be raised in its jurisdiction for the bankability reasons mentioned above.
Approach (b): Basic risk sharing by the Private Partner - One way in which change in law risk can be allocated between the Private Partner and the Contracting Authority is by setting a minimum cost threshold, generally on a yearly basis, below which the Private Partner will not be compensated.
Approach (c): More developed risk sharing:
Discriminatory Changes in Law - these are changes in law which are discriminatory because they apply to the PPP Project and not to similar projects, or to the Private Partner and not to other persons, or to PPP operators and not to other parties.
Specific Changes in Law - these are changes in law specifically impacting the provision of services the same as or similar to the PPP Project services or the shareholders of businesses providing such services.
Discriminatory and Specific Change in Law risk is allocated to the Contracting Authority to address the Private Partner's concern that laws may be passed that have the effect of singling out or private operators of infrastructure in a manner that has an adverse impact on expected equity return.
General Changes in Law requiring capital expenditure in operating period -these are general changes in law (i.e. excluding Discriminatory Changes in Law and Specific Changes in Law) which require the Private Partner to incur capital expenditure after construction completion during the operating period. The risk of these changes is also allocated to the Contracting Authority.
Any other Changes in Law - these are all other changes in law including those which trigger capital expenditure during the construction period (but excluding the categories above). The risk of these changes is allocated to the Private Partner throughout the duration of the PPP Contract on the basis that the Private Partner is able to manage and absorb any price implications. The ability to pass the risk of changes requiring capital expenditure in the construction phase will, however, depend on the length of the construction period and the predictability of the legal regime. A particularly long period and/or less stable regime may make this unbankable and a different risk allocation might be needed.
Approach (d): All risk borne by the Private Partner - This is highly unusual and likely to be achievable only in very established legally stable.
Relief from breach - The Private Partner should be protected from breach of contract to the extent (a) its performance is prevented or delayed by a change in law it does not bear the risk of and (b) a variation in PPP Project scope is required in order to comply with a change in law (in which case the PPP Contract should include a mechanism for implementing such variation, for example by means of a Contracting Authority requested variation).
清华大学王守清教授 来源:清华PPP研究中心